Friday, May 20, 2011


Hi Ya'll. So for those of you who read this probably think I've gone on Hiatus. NOT!
I've just switched to Tumblr. I like their photo uploading & layout better so that's where you can find me.

Check it out. Follow me. You'll see snapshots of my life, daily things, and just stuff I love :-)

Monday, February 7, 2011


I want to be fit! I do. But sometimes I slip with food, and that’s all good I guess, no one is perfect. I started the year off doing Zumba at home and I was very consistent with it working out ever Sun-Thurs or Fri. I thought yes, I’m sticking to a routine and then my husband refused to give up the TV so I crashed. I did one night of working out on my own and I failed. After that I decided I wanted to try Yoga. My mom got me a new yoga mat for Christmas, because working out downstairs wasn’t good on my knees so I needed a mat.

I figured I could become more flexible, like touch my toes for once in my life, and I realized the aerobic/athletic yoga I was doing was actually semi-intense. A lot more arm strength required than what I initially thought. It was good. I felt like I could at least lift a half of what I used to in high school and that’s a huge accomplishment. I also realized that my calves were hurting some, my thighs were hurting, and I could touch my toes (slightly and not for long). This was huge! I did competitive dance growing up and I could never ever touch my toes; so I was stoked!

Even though I was doing so well with my new yoga routine, I got sick and it all fell to crap. So this week, starting tonight I am getting back in the saddle. I am more flexible, I realized that yesterday at a photo shoot, but I am not to where I want to be. So after a week hiatus due to illness I will start it up again and hopefully keep it up for a little while.

So being fit does not mean losing weight, maybe it just means being healthy and not eating the whole thing of guacamole like I did last night. I think I’m fit and healthy, now I just have to keep it up.

<3 Mrs. D


So one of my big goals that I made on NYE this year was to not shop; well frivolously. So far I have kept to that goal. I wanted to not go shopping for myself, for clothes shoes or accessories, until after March. I made it through January and when there was something I saw, like a dark green plaid cropped sweater vest, I wrote it down. Just like the dark trouser pants and the floaty white t-shirt that I want as well. It all went into a notebook and at the end of March beginning of April I will reevaluate my “goal” for the year.

I know that once Lent comes I will give up shopping, which will put off my buying until mid/end April now, and I don’t think I have a problem with it. I believe that once I’m ready to go out shopping, I’m going to hit the awesome consignment stores in the area; there are 2 in Fairport and 4 between Fairport and the city. After that I will scour coupons and check out all my gift cards, I have accumulated about $150 worth for various stores.

I just want to not over shop like I did last year, I don’t want to buy on a whim and then take it to the donation bin 6 months later without ever wearing it. The big one, I want to save money!

So I believe I will succeed and not shopping now will keep me from buy chunky sweaters and knits I don’t need. I just need to keep writing down all the cute stuff I see and want so I can evaluate my list come April/May and make some smart purchases in quality and not quantity.

<3 Mrs D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yearly Birthday Thoughts!

I’m writing now. I know it’s been 3 weeks since I wrote something last. Nothing new has really happened except me contemplating and thinking a lot about what I’m doing and where I’m going. SO this is going to be a long one!

Today is my 27th birthday so I think it’s a good time to go write something and just to get it all out there.

I have been trying to be healthy conscious, all the whole grain, cut out caffeine and the nasty crap that we digest; don’t eat as much candy and definitely don’t snack as much. Pretty much just watch what I eat & I think I have been pretty successful at it. I read labels now when I grocery shop and I’ve made my own granola. My original point was to lose weight. I was working out nightly and doing Zumba and Yoga, but I haven’t worked out in the past week, and I really don’t care! I have lost weight which is crazy because I went out to the bar and had lasagna and cake but besides all that I’ve been doing healthy choices, even at the bar, so the eating right is working. I also realized last night, I have been the same weight and size since I was 19; I can fit into jeans I wore in high school! I’m not fat, I’m not overweight, and I’m actually healthy and a little underweight. So I don’t want to lose anything, I got a great butt and I’m proud of my size 6 stats! I will never be model skinny like the girls in the magazines or some of the fabulous ladies I’ve worked with, but I’m OK with that.

With that said, the whole point was to say that I don’t care if I make it big in this modeling world. It’s Rochester, I don’t want to live in NYC or LA, and I like it here. I’m getting my priorities back on track. I do want to be an awesome engineer, I know where I want to go in this company and I will get there. If I don’t make it big it doesn’t bother me. I am having an awesome time being myself in front of the camera around town and walking the local runways for the local designers. I also love being a model coach. So maybe working behind the scenes will be the next step for me. I still want to be an event coordinator but I would have to do some drastic changes to get there and I’m not sure I want to.

I’m not complacent but I’m very happy with where I am. I love my husband and want to spend more time with him, I want to be less busy, but I want to succeed and get out there. I love the friends I have made and I want to get more involved in a lot of the aspects of runways and behind the scenes.

It’s a new year for me, a new you, and this is my horoscope says will be the year of change, to take what I learned last year and just flourish in it. So we’ll see!!

<3 Mrs. D

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy Day

So today has been busy and I would love to be home with my husband watching a movie but I'm doing something new and jumped to do it.
The day started with the FWoR casting call for 2011. Totally awesome. These people are so fabulous and it was great to see them again.
After that I grabbed lunch at the museum of play with Brodie Kim and Mica.
Then it was off to kickball, we lost 6-4, but we still played great. After that I went home, made my husband seared Ahi Tuna for dinner and booked it back out the door.
Tonight I am coaching a new model at her first photo shoot.
I think its a total honor to be asked by the photographer to help out.
So that's what I'm doing for the next few hours. Then I'll head home to relax with the husband and just be with him for the night.

<3 Mrs. D
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year in Review

I was going to do a year in review. And I’m decided not to. Why, because it’s been a crazy busy year and there is so much. So the good news, I still have my job, I’m another year older, I’m wiser, I’m grateful, I’m happy, and I’m loving my parents my brother and most of all my husband.

I’m not pregnant, and the baby buzz is gone. It was just a phase due to Brodie being born. I’m glad I didn’t get pregnant either. I’m not ready and neither is Mr. D. We love our lives, just the way they are.

As to my resolutions, I had to stop kickboxing due to a knee and hip injury, I sneaked in a few stops at Wendy’s along the way, but I at the chicken pecan salad or had water instead of soft drink. I didn’t eat at any other fast food joints and I checked my calorie intake on everything. I only eat low cal, natural, or no sugar added foods now and I started exercising daily, I’m now doing Zumba with the Wii, courtesy of my mom. I never lost those 5 pounds but I’m happy where I am.

I am happy. I followed my heart with a lot of things. We may never have had those parties I wanted to, but we have amazing friends that we love to hang out with. We did a lot to the house this year and knocked a lot off of our to do lists. It’s a great feeling and I’m super excited to do the rest.

All in all it was a good year. And soon enough 2011 will be here and it will start all over again. All I can say is don’t wish your days away because as you get older you realize time flies faster and it will never come back.

<3 Mrs. D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blacking aka Blog Slacking

So I totally tried to make the photo blog, copying the numerous famous and creative bloggers that I follow. It never happened. I don’t have enough time in the day to accomplish that, and to keep it up to date. So yea, back to writing it is.

I know I’ve been gone for about a month. I’ve been insanely busy. Let’s see, I went hunting, a lot, got a buck and I’m happy. I had a new wall in my house built, so I now have an actual spare bedroom. I painted the empty closet, the new room, the wall, the hallway, and touched up just about everything I could. And don’t get me started on work. For awhile there I was just hustling to keep up, and I wasn’t even keeping up. I took on new roles and am super psyched that I succeeded in them.

So yea I’ve been busy and I’ve been slacking, but hopefully this upcoming year I will be better. I honestly think I slacked the last time at the same time last year.

Just call it holiday drama.

<3 Mrs. D